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Employment and Labor Law in Korea (Seoul) (Seoul)

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Date23-11-08 09:24  (121.♡.94.38)


Hello to our international expats living in South Korea!

Understanding the intricacies of Employment and Labor Law in a foreign country can be daunting, especially if you're trying to protect your rights or an employer is aiming to stay compliant. In Korea, the regulations are comprehensive, and a misstep can lead to significant challenges.

If you ever find yourself with questions or concerns related to Employment and Labor Law in Korea — whether it's regarding contract issues, unfair treatment, termination disputes, or just a simple query — our labor law firm is here to assist. With our in-depth knowledge and extensive experience, we're committed to providing tailored solutions that cater specifically to the needs of foreigners in Korea.

So, don't navigate these waters alone. Let our experts guide you through every step, ensuring you're well-informed and protected. After all, when it comes to employment and labor law matters, it's always best to have trusted professionals by your side.

Where expertise meets understanding.

For a consultation or more information, please reach out to us.

Our service includes the following:

1. Representation in Labor cases:
- Representation in labor dispute cases before Labor Relations Commission (unfair dismissal, unfair disciplinary action, unfair labor practices, corrective measures for fixed-term/dispatched/part-time employees upon discrimination)

2. Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment Investigations and Preparation of Response Actions
- Conducting investigations in English, preparing investigation reports in English

3. Attendance and Advisory in Disciplinary Committees

4. Translation of Various Company Documents:
- Translation of employment contracts, rules of employment, collective bargaining agreement, and other company documents into English

5. Consultation on Working Hours:
- Analysis of working hours and design of work schedules based on job roles and employment types

6. Consultation on Layoff, Redundancy, and Business Closure 

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상호: (주) 코리안서비스 대표자: 송이진 사업자등록번호: 463-87-02520 통신판매 번호: 제 2023-서울마포-1516호
전화: 010-3011-7765 주소: 03995 서울특별시 마포구 양화로 157 (동교동) 파라다이스텔
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