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So I lost my phone yesterday and in the case was also my debit card

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Date23-08-29 09:53  (121.♡.94.38)


So I lost my phone yesterday and in the case was also my debit card, t-money card and Swedish driver license. I got in a taxi in Itaewon around 5:30 AM, showed the driver the address on my phone (he hold it) and he asked for a 50,000 which was way too much (must've been a black taxi?). When I left I discovered after a few steps that my phone wasn't with me. Turned around and managed to stop him but he kept saying there was no phone, no phone. The new passengers he had picked up also said there was no phone and eventually he drove off.
I went to the police station and filled a report for a lost item. It still hasn't turned up and they say they can't check CCTV because there's no crime. It's on a sim-card I bought at the airport to mainly use unlimited data. My Korean friend called the company today and got the number - but no signals when he calls it. Makes sense that it is dead because it was on low battery when it disappeared. He will try to keep calling in case someone charges it.
Do I have any good options besides just hoping it turns up? A lost and found we could call or something? Unfortunately I can't identify the taxi and didn't take the license plate, it was pretty chaotic when it happened.
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