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Free! 7 days vacation on the beach, everything included ( food, accomo…

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Date24-07-17 11:25  (59.♡.220.6)


Free! 7 days vacation on the beach, everything included ( food, accomodation, activities)
We are recruiting foreign residents who live in an urban area in Korea and would like to participate in our Local Immersion Program. This program will be carried out with support by the KF Public Diplomacy Projects.
Would you like to venture out of the city and see a new side of Korea?
Would you like to relieve your stress and heal in the Korean countryside?
We are excited to offer you a great opportunity to experience Korea’s beautiful natural environment and culture. Join our Local Immersion Program and make some unforgettable summer memories!
Apply via Google Form that can be found here:
1. Target group : Foreign residents in urban areas who are interested in the Korean countryside
2. Location : Yeongdeok County in North Gyeongsang Province
3. How to get there : Travel to Yeonghae Bus Terminal by Intercity Bus
4. Number of available slots
Local Immersion Program
- 10 participants per trip (20 in total)
Regional Exchange Networking
- 100 participants
5. Participation fee : Free
6. Schedule
Local Immersion Program
- 1st program : 7/22-28 (Monday to Sunday)
- 2nd program : 7/29-8/4 (Monday to Sunday)
Regional Exchange Networking
- 8/4 (Sunday) Last day of the second trip
*Please note that you can only participate in the Local Immersion Program, if you can join for entire 7 days.
7. Details
Local Immersion Program
- 4-day trek (Yeongdeok Blue Road)
- Rural activities
- Experience intangible cultural heritage
- Free accommodation
- Free food (Vegetarian options are not provided)
Regional Exchange Networking
- Plogging* with Korean locals (*jogging while picking up litter)
Yeongdeok Blue Road
Yeongdeok Blue Road is a beautiful coastal trekking route located in Yeongdeok, North Gyeongsang Province. This scenic trail offers stunning views of the East Sea and takes you through charming fishing villages, pristine beaches, and lush forests. The route is divided into several sections, each with its own unique attractions and landscapes. It's a great way to experience the region's natural beauty and local culture.
Trekking Difficulty Level
The trekking difficulty level of the Yeongdeok Blue Road varies depending on the section you choose. Some parts are relatively easy and suitable for beginners, while others are more challenging and recommended for experienced hikers. Overall, it offers a mix of easy to moderate trails that can be enjoyed by most hikers.
[Details of recruitment]
1. Deadline : 7/17 (Wednesday)
2. Final accouncement : To be sent via personal message
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상호: (주) 코리안서비스 대표자: 송이진 사업자등록번호: 463-87-02520 통신판매 번호: 제 2023-서울마포-1516호
전화: 010-3011-7765 주소: 03995 서울특별시 마포구 양화로 157 (동교동) 파라다이스텔
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