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Gina Kokosky, 24 years old, teacher

Page Info.

Date23-02-01 15:47  (121.♡.116.184)


I am from the United States. I was a journalist and photographer there. But in Korea I work as a teacher. I have lived in Korea for three months.

I moved abroad because I love to travel and explore other countries and cultures. My first impression of Korea is that it is a very traditional society. It is very interesting.

About difficulties

The language barrier was frustrating. It was also hard to navigate things like getting a phone plan and opening a bank account.


About people

I noticed that people's behavior is a lot less direct in Korea. They will hardly tell you what they feel or mean. Koreans have a heavy work culture with long hours and overwork. They are also the heavy consumerist and celebrity-obsessed as Americans.

Koreans are very friendly and welcoming for the most part. They have a lot of pressure to work hard, get good grades, and get a job that with a good status. Koreans do not like to stand out. The culture has many traditional roots compared to the American way of life.

About infrastructure

The infrastructure here is a lot better compared to America. The public transport is really clean, efficient, and affordable. Besides, I can tell the same about road construction and health care too.

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