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Jennae Lee, photographer

Page Info.

Date23-02-01 15:48  (121.♡.116.184)


I am from America, Oregon State to be exact. Currently, I am the chaplain for an international school and I have a photography business as well. I moved here with my husband in the summer of 2018, so almost two years.

My husband is Korean and we visited Korea while we were dating. I knew that as an international couple that it meant we might someday live in his home country. After a couple years of being married, we both felt like we were ready for an adventure. I wanted to learn Korean, get closer with his family, and start a family here so that they would know their grandparents over here.

About first impression

Back in 2015 when I first came to Korea, I thought it was very clean and convenient, and hot. We came
in the middle of the summer the first time we visited. I loved seeing Seoul. I liked how easy it was to get

About difficulties

The two obvious ones are the language and food differences. I am still learning Korean and it can be very nerve wrecking to have to converse in a language that you are not confident in. I am usually a very outgoing person but I feel very shy speaking Korean. I even get nervous ordering my coffee. As far as food, I cannot handle spicy food but Korea's default flavor is spicy. I wish I could eat more of the food here but I am still working on building up my spicy-tolerance.

About differences

There is no space. Back home I took for granted all the wide-open space. In Korea, if there is wide-open space then thousands of people are flocking to it on weekends, setting up tents. I get it because there is not a lot of space that when there is you stake your claim on it. However, I miss going
somewhere and the hiking trail, beach, or park being completely empty.

About similarities

I think both Americans and Koreans are success-oriented and image focused. Maybe this is just a human thing, but having the status symbols of nice car, big house, lots of stuff is important here.

About people

I would say that Koreans go big or go home. When you are close to them, they love you well, they take care of you, and they commit to their friends and family no matter what. That is something I really appreciate about Koreans is their dedication to their friends and family.

What I like here

Public Transportation. It is cheap, easy to use, and safe. I had only ridden public transportation a few times back home but I use it often here. It is really great.

Through my photography business, I have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people and go to some beautiful places. I do not really have one story that sticks out. But one of my favorite memories was driving up to Seoul before the sun rose and doing a photoshoot in the early morning on Seonyudo. Iwatched the sunrise over the Han River and it was so beautiful and peaceful. Definitely will not forget that anytime soon.

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