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What facts about South Korea do foreigners not believe until they visi…

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Date23-02-14 15:56  (121.♡.116.184)


My husband is Korean, so we visit Korea to see his family quite often. My observations are as follows:

They’re very serious about trash management. To deter people throwing trash arbitrarily, they even placed CCTVs on trash areas.

2. Cars have blue sponges on the doors, to avoid dings. Apparently the sponges come from the car manufacturers but people don’t take them off. I saw so many of these blue sponges in Korea.

3. Still about cars. People park in reverse. I’ve never seen so many cars parked in reverse, even at Costco. I asked my husband, how would they fit the groceries? Then I saw, there are narrow lanes behind the cars, where people could push their carts to load groceries to the trunk, and not impede the traffic. Smart!

Almost everywhere, men in suits would have pants that look like this:

Ankle length, with no show socks. They will show a bit of skin there. It’s a fashion statement. Nobody wears visible socks in South Korea. Also, everybody wears white sneakers.

4. The old people are nicer than the youngster. Harmeoni (grandmas) and harabeoji (grandpas) would gladly give you their designated subway seats if they see you carrying a toddler. But youngsters? Forget about it. They’d be glued to their phones, not caring even if you’re 9 months pregnant and on the way to the hospital to give birth. My youngest get candies all the time from the nice harmeoni and harabeoji. They really like young kids, bless their hearts. My husband said maybe because my son has big eyes, which are considered a beautiful feature by Korean standards.

5. Golf culture is deep here. When our family went to Costco, they had the biggest display of golf attire in any Costco I’ve visited. Among other things in which they prevail in quantity are squid snacks, instant ramen, and beer.

6. You will see coffee shops almost right next to other coffee shops. So when you are walking by a coffee shop and suddenly want to buy a cup of coffee, don’t turn around. Keep walking, there’s another coffee shop just 5 steps away.

7. Their modern architecture is among the best in the world. Nowhere in the US would you find a city that looks so urban, so modern like Seoul.

8. Everland (Korean theme park) is much better than Disneyland. No crazy lines and dizzying crowds. It’s so enjoyable. They even have a safari park and a water animal park right next to each other. In summer, they have a big atrium where they spray water from water cannons. Everybody is invited for a water game and dancing.

They also have food stands for people waiting in line! I never want to go to Disneyland again after visiting Everland.

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