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Date23-03-08 20:54  (121.♡.116.184)


Hello group members. I am posting in a very stressed and depressed situation created by my korean neighbour only because of their discrimination. I am a mom of 3year living with me. My husband usually stay out of Korea due to his work. I am also a research student working on my research dissertation. May you can now understand my work load and tough routine. My korean neighbour keep teasing me on their so called noise complaints about my daughter. Before I try to do all steps including, placing about two inches sheet on the floor so it don't make trouble for them. But then I realized its not the noise which is making trouble, its their racism for us. They even complain about our aircon sound. Even if the people living upstairs if waters their plants and water dropped out they come and shout on us without even caring its not our fault. If my daughter drops anything on ground they immediately come to complain. She is just a kid and its usual to any human to drop something accidently. But last night they cross  all the limits. They even complain and shout on our conversations. I was reading and my daughter was just sitting beside me and telling her stuff toys the bed time stories. There was no music no TV no noise , only she is talking by herself. They firstly come and harass me and when I said that I cannot live in a way you teach me. My daughter don't sleep without me and I have to work. I cannot sleep and wake when they told me to do so. They start shouting and threatened me to call the police and then call the police. Thanks to police officers who understand my situation and went without making any trouble for me. But this situation make me so so stressful.  I couldn't sleep whole night. Until now its very hard for me to handle all.
Please help me what to do? I can't leave at this point. I always live in trauma. Sometimes yelling on my daughter. Never let her run or even accidentally making noise. I think its affecting her development. Her tablet use is increasing day by day and when she go out I can see she feel free and relax. Her sleep is not much as of me. Its not a fault but she is not even that much noisy. On many points outside I face racism but don't give much attention but now in my own home I cannot live in my way. Shifting is not a solution nor easy. How to face that all? Cannot stay out as I have to work, and its not the solution as well. My mind is not working at all and I cannot concentrate on anything. Its really hard to live far away from family and friends, with no moral support. Feeling so alone. And literally want to cry.

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