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-Justice in Jeju-

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Date23-03-14 20:54  (121.♡.116.184)


Early Saturday morning, I awoke to some screaming in my building.  I went downstairs and outside to assess where it was coming from so I could call the police.  Whilst down there, I talked to the neighbor who had already called 112. 
Then things got weird.  While the police were on the 2nd floor dealing with the original call, I saw a guy sprinting into my building (4am) and two fellas chasing him.  The 2 guys followed into the building after him.  They were screaming at the top of their lungs.  They came out a few seconds later still yelling and one was shirtless.  I told them that they were too loud and that they should go home.  Of course, they squared up, each taking an intimidation approach at me.  Wisely, I moved in front of the police car to get it on camera.  There was a lot of cussing and "distance gaining" chest pushes, if that makes sense.
Anyways, 1 dude weakly kicked me in the leg.  Another guy circled for a weak torso punch.  No damage, nothing too serious, but they knew they were on camera.  Their parting words were that they were going to kill me and my friends and do bad things to my mother. 
I waited for cops to come back down and filed a complaint.  Went to station and went through the hoops. 
In 4 hours, I am supposed to go to the big police station for the more official process.  My question to the group, shall I proceed and teach these losers a lesson, or just bite it and and continue with my life? 
-Justice in Jeju-

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