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Jessica Hill, 28 years old, Seoul, teacher

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Date23-02-01 15:46  (121.♡.116.184)


I have been living in Korea for just over two years, my initial reasons for moving here were to save money from teaching English as a second language and to learn Korean as my second language.

About first impression

I had already been to Korea previously before I moved to Seoul but my overall impression initially was that my lifestyle could become easier here because of the advanced technology, the transport system and healthcare.

About difficulties

I did not have many friends, the language barrier was harder than I imagined, and it was not easy to navigate around. Also when I started my job as a teacher I was not greatly experienced in this field and that was quite hard for me too.

About differences

I think as my time has gone by I can really see the differences in attitudes between Korean people, other foreigners too compared to British people. Culturally and traditionally, the way the Korean language works is very different to English. I have had to adjust to Korean customs and Traditions sometimes that I would never have even to think about in my home country.

About similarities

I think culturally, Korea has a short but strong and complicated history, which is very different to that of England. However today I can see some similarities but not many. For example, in Korea, you should speak to your elders and superiors with the highest form of respect in terms of language and of course, we expect that in England too much in a much less intense way.


About people

Once my ex-boyfriend left my bag in a taxi, my entire bag, purse, money, phone, makeup. Of course, I was devastated. Two days later, the bag was returned to my address with everything in it. Another time I dropped my purse on the street, a couple of hours later I went to the police station and it was there, once again with all my cards and money inside.

Korea is very trustworthy and safe. I would say 99% of the time. You will be able to get your stuff back.

What I like here

There are many things here, some small and insignificant such as: buttons on the tables in restaurants, drawers under tables for cutlery, a machine to put your umbrella in that covers it in a sheet. Bigger things are things such as the transport system, it is so efficient, always on time, and there is taxis everywhere. I feel that everything I need is not ever far away or out of reach. The healthcare is amazing, I do not have to wait over a week just to go talk to the doctor, and it is a matter of minutes here.

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